Stakeholders in Space Sector
The MTCIT works with stakeholders to propose and implement projects and initiatives in the sector, most notably:
  Entity name website
1 National Survey Authority
2 Telecommunications Regulatory Authority
3 Civil Aviation Authority
4 Ministry of Media
5 Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
6 Oman Astronomical Society
7 innovation Park Muscat
8 Makers Oman
9 Oman Broadband
10 Omani Qatari Telecommunications
11 Oman Telecommunications Company (Omantel)
12 Mahd Satellite
13 Azyan Telecom
14 Rignet Oman
15 Space Communication Technologies

National Aerospace Services Company NASCOM


Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems Research Center - SQU

18 Emerging Technologies Company Oman - Space