Award Overview

By organising the Government Digital Excellence Award of the Sultanate of Oman, our objective is to foster a significant digital transformation aligning with the Oman Vision 2040. This includes the creation of an agile and innovative administrative body that is equipped to shape the future. Furthermore, it emphasises elevating Oman’s standing in the e-Government development index and fulfilling the national digital economy programme, which is essential for accelerating economic, social and cultural advancement. 
The Award focuses on honouring projects and initiatives that have brought forward digital innovations and solutions, enhancing government business environments and models. Additionally, it seeks to empower and encourage government agencies to adhere to the highest standards, both locally and globally, in their journey towards digital transformation. The goal is to boost work efficiency and foster a culture of change and digital excellence, leveraging advanced technologies to deliver more efficient digital services, ultimately satisfying users, and enhancing life quality.



Establishing an innovative government apparatus that delivers an exceptional digital experience and provides proactive, intelligent solutions, services and processes.

Overseeing Authority


The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, "The Overseeing Authority for the implementation of the Government Digital Transformation Programme," will organise and supervise the Award process. It will coordinate between participating entities and assessors but will not directly engage in judging to ensure impartiality and transparency in the evaluation.

Targeted Categories


All government entities within the Sultanate of Oman are eligible to compete for the Award, adhering to the established criteria and requirements. Moreover, they are authorised to nominate their outstanding employees in the field of government digital transformation to participate in the individual categories of the Award.