Community participation and Awareness track

  • Strategic Objectives
  1. Increase interaction and community participation in the field of e-services and digital transformation.
  2. Enhance the quality of digital channels and achieve a rewarding user experience.
  3. Improve communication, increase coordination and cooperation between government entities in the field of digital transformation and promote smart services to increase their spread and use.
  4. Enable government entities to effectively use social media platforms and support the provision of e-services.
  5. Raise the Sultanate's ranking in the e-participation index.
  6. Enhance partnership with the private sector and small and medium enterprises to implement digital transformation projects and initiatives.
  7. Execute e-participation and community cooperation path projects and initiatives to achieve trust and transparency.
  • Track Performance Indicators
KPI Basis 2020 Target 2025
Increase the satisfaction rate of beneficiaries of e-government services. Not applicable =<60%
Number of implemented marketing campaigns to promote smart services according to the approved plan Not applicable 100%
Number of partnerships with the private sector to implement digital transformation projects and initiatives. 3 9=<


  • Projects:

This track contains a set of projects and initiatives to achieve the desired goals. To know more, please click here