Terms and Conditions
- All government entities in Oman can participate in the Award according to specified categories for the competition.
All nominations must be submitted through the designated digital communication channels specified for the award.
The application for the award must be in Arabic.
The nominee must be authorised by the entity to apply and participate in the Award.
All supporting documents should be provided with the application, and the form is considered incomplete without them.
The Award's Overseeing Authority retains the right to confirm the correctness of the nominations and the identities of the candidates, as well as to disqualify any nomination that fails to adhere to the established terms and conditions.
Nominations for competency categories are made by the organisation for its outstanding individuals according to specified criteria.
The entity is entitled to submit a maximum of two nominations per category, and the same nomination cannot be submitted for more than one category.
All necessary supporting documents must be uploaded alongside the application; the form will be deemed incomplete without them.
The Overseeing Authority reserves the right to publish all or portions of the information provided regarding the nominations in a knowledge database. This is intended for the purpose of sharing experiences and showcasing the scale of national projects, without disclosing any evaluations or comments.
The entity submitting the nomination is accountable for ensuring that the data provided is appropriate for publication.
Winning projects from the previous edition of the award are not eligible to participate unless there are comprehensive and radical changes in the nomination justified.
Nominations submitted under the initiatives and services category must be completed and operational for a period of no less than six months to one year.
If the nomination includes multiple stages of development and implementation, completed services that have been operational for at least three months can be submitted
The candidate nominated for the Competencies category must be a member of their entity’s digital transformation team.
Applicants for the Award must hold the copyrights for all visual, auditory and textual materials associated with their service. Additionally, all software used must be properly licensed.
Individuals competing for competency categories must have worked within the current organisation's digital transformation team for a period of no less than 3-6 months.
Entries failing to meet the Award's stipulated conditions and criteria will be disqualified. This includes unreadable, incomplete or ineligible submissions.
The nominated service must operate effectively. Any service disruption during the evaluation phase will result in disqualification without prior warning.The evaluation process is confidential and the decisions of the judging committee are final.
Projects failing to meet the requirements or submitted after the participation deadline will not be considered. Such submissions will be deemed ineligible and unequivocally excluded, with a decision that is not subject to appeal.
Registering and applying for the Award does not, under any circumstances, imply that the participating entity will receive any advantages or benefits. The entity cannot sue the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology or take any legal action against it related to participation in the Award.
- The participating entities bear full responsibility for managing the application process and overseeing the procedures until the presentation to the judging committee. Failure to comply will result in disqualification without prior notice.
If deemed necessary, the judging committee reserves the right to request a presentation regarding the nomination and to grant access to the digital service.