
The Internet Usage Policy 

IT Governance Charter    

Oman Space Sector Policy And Executive Programme

The public policy of space sector determines clear guidelines for space activities, in addition the programme aims to implement Oman Vision 2040 in space sector. To download the Oman Space Sector Policy And Executive Programme, click here.


The purpose of this document is to commission governance of Enterprise IT (GEIT) across government agencies in Sultanate of Oman. To download the IT Governance Policy, click here.
AI intellegence systems policy Through this policy, the Ministry seeks to establish ethical principles and controls that in turn promote the optimal use of these regulations and reduce potential risks, so the Ministry wishes to emphasize the need for all units of the state administrative apparatus to abide by the terms of this policy. To download AI policy click here


The purpose of the Policy is to provide a consistent approach to managing information security across all government administrative units and establish information security management practices within the government administrative units. To download the information security management policy, click here.

Open Government Data Policy 

The objective of this policy is to set a minimum standard and a coherent approach for publishing Open Data collected or produced by the Government of the Sultanate of Oman to achieve the objectives of Open Data. To dowload the policy, click here.

ICT Services Continuity Policy

The purpose of this policy is to define the overall governance for the ICT services continuity within the government administrative units to ensure the continuity of the services during disruptive events. To download the policy, click here.
ICT Remote Access Policy The purpose of this policy is to define the overall governance for the provision and use of remote access to ICT resources and ICT environment within government administrative units. To download the policy, click here.
Cloud First Policy   To download the policy, click here.

The Internet Usage Policy 

 This document defines the principles of the use of Internet service at the units of the State Administrative Apparatus by the employees, partners and contracting parties to avoid the inappropriate or illegal use of the service. To dowload the policy, click here.

Electronic Systems Integration Policy

This Policy aims to regulate the governance of electronic systems integration in administrative government units. To download the policy, click here.
Digital Participation Policy Enhancing the role of beneficiaries for more interaction and participation in the governmental decision-making process. To download the policy, click here.

The National Digital Accessibility Policy

This policy refers to the WCAG 2.0 standard developed by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and consists of a set of guidelines for making content accessible wich includes 3 levels (A) and (AA) and (AAA). To download the policy, click here.

Personal Data Protection Policy

 This policy aims to establish a comprehensive set of controls for the protection of personal data, including its processing, storage, disclosure, access, modification, and review.  To dowload the policy, click here.