Laws and Governance

To ensure the rights of ICT users and to increase the level of trust and reliability of eTransactions, ITA formulated  a number of laws, legislations and policies to make eTransactions more secure and efficient which include:


Oman’s Digital Society initiatives require substantial legal protection for the various entities in the use of ICT for official and personal communications and transactions. To increase the trust of citizens and businesses in using electronic transactions, MTCIT has initiated the formulation of a number of laws for Oman.


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IT Governance

MTCIT has set a number of frameworks, policies and guidelines to insure effective IT management which is the way of controlling  all matters related to information technology operations and resources within an organization. Effective IT management enables an organization to enhance resources and operating, improve business processes and communication and adopt best practices.


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Data Governance and Management

The Sultanate of Oman, aligning to the objectives of ‘Vision 2040’, has planned several strategic digital transformation programs for driving economic growth, innovation, and public welfare. As a significant step in this direction, the ‘National Data Strategy’ was published by the National Center for Statistical Information (NCSI) via the Royal Decree no. 2022/103. 

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Compliance Programs

The compliance and alignment of IT departments within government administrative units with the adopted laws, frameworks, policies and standards published is one of the main objectives of MTCIT. Therefore, MTCIT offers support in measuring and reporting the government progress and readiness for the digital transformation through the execution of audit program for the IT departments in the government administrative units and accreditation program for IT service providers.

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